Friday, July 26, 2013

Animal Sales+Display "Bans"--are Illegal, Violate Constitutional Law

For information on this subject, see, or which continues to bring this issue forward, even if no one will listen to it?  PLEASE FEEL FREE TO PASS THIS POST FORWARD AND SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS.  YOU WILL NOT FIND THIS INFORMATION ELSEWHERE UNLESS IT'S ON THE ABOVE LINK.

Southern CA is a hotbed of animal activists that continue to use actors and entertainment people to fuel their agenda re animals. It's one thing to be vegan but it's another to not know what you are talking about. So Cal has long been guilty of simply ignoring the actual problem of shelter KILLING, and ignoring the social welfare aspects of trying to stem the tide of unwanted, throw away animals that mostly stem from several well known, low economic (poor) areas that the police are afraid to deal with...these underserved areas are difficult to work with, without social welfare advocates who understand not only diversity, but minority populations whose culture is completely different than the wealthy white flight suburbs.

With this background well known, the animal activists, which are mostly white women with some men thrown in, work with animal rights LOBBYING groups that claim they are all about animal welfare. Truth is that they are about animal rights, not welfare. There is a huge difference. Animal rights will actually prefer to see the animals dead rather than saved-- a prime example is PETA, which kills about 98% or more of whatever it takes in. ASPCA has become a working partner with HSUS (Humane Society of the USA) and both ASPCA and HSUS have been accused of RICO violations--racketeering-- and ASPCA paid out $9.3 million in circus lawsuit to get out of the RICO case. That pretty much spells out guilt.
HSUS still claims it is not guilty?  Yeah, right.



Eggs are now about 30-45% more thanks to the passage of Proposition 2 re all layer hens both in California, and in any state where the shelled eggs were produced.

If you voted for Prop 2, you won't complain about egg prices that you helped create.  The eggie producers spent too little, too late. Numerous Federal Court challenges have so far failed to dismantle the law (mostly using constitutional claims and commerce clause..)

  After seeing this, agriculture producers nationally started to work together so that it would not happen to those involved in beef, pork and other agriculture pursuits.  This has made agriculture groups much more aware of their political vulnerability, and many groups, particularly the beef and pork industry, and gathered together to fight animal activists that want to meat to be sold or consumed as most activists are VEGANS trying to force vegan lifestyles on those who are not interested.

When groups that have millions and millions USE shelter animals on TV and video to FLEECE the public about what they are REALLY about-- which is NOT SAVING shelter animals--- believe us-- then you, dear readers, are 1,000 steps ahead of any other legal tech or attorneys out there, that believe these groups want to "save shelter animals."  NO, NO, and NO.

They (PETA and others) -- would prefer that they get killed, and HSUS published a Euthanasia BOOK with a vet, on HOW to kill nearly every animal that exists. Like using a gun to the head?  We BOUGHT the book because we couldn't believe they published it!

These type of groups and many smaller animal groups, are animal rights (AR) orientated, meaning-- they want to end all ownership of animals, and agriculture, and because that is a lifestyle/vegan belief, they are entitled to it, however, they are NOT entitled to MISREPRESENT THE AGENDA they are pushing. And that agenda is in fact, to bring animals up to the human form, so that they can have human rights. They may deny this but it is unavoidably true, as evidenced by the many years of trying to claim animals are not property UNDER THE LAW.

If animals were NOT property under the law, activists would be in court every second suing everyone alive for everything done to any animal for any reason. Animal products are extensively used in many facets of production, and normally it is not wasted; fertilizer, medical, leather, etc. Woolen goods, the list is long. Animals are not humans and although many may treat pets as family, they are owned by humans and can be bought, sold, transferred,etc. Ownership is what gives humans the right to have dominion over their property, including animals. Without ownership, our ability to control is diminished and subject to the whims of the government.  And we all know how the government is run. Let's not fool ourselves.

When activists put their videos, U Tube, commercials and etc, it is generally propaganda aimed at evoking emotional response to their calling for DONATIONS.  Unless you want your money going to their pension plans, and lies, do not donate to them, donate to your LOCAL shelters, local community rescue, or local low kill shelters. Try to volunteer with such entities to see how difficult it is to raise funding.

 It is very difficult due to the big groups scamming the public. People lose trust in animal welfare.  Your goal is to properly understand animal welfare, not animal rights-- as animal rights is a lifestyle belief. Certainly animals have a right to their own welfare, but California already has the most extensive Penal Code on animals in the USA and yes, HSUS certainly had its hand in drafting a lot of it.

We don't need more welfare code, we need people that understand animal welfare and the lies told to gain money for animal rights.

When the animal rights (AR) activists get BANS on selling, displaying, transferring, barter or give away of animals, be suspicious because guess what?  These laws get passed but they are not legally sound. Meaning they are illegal restraints on trade without the proper reasonable narrowly tailored aspect.

Constitutional law is normally a 2nd or 3rd year subject in law school if one goes to night classes. You will seldom see or hear any AR activists talk about con law unless it is related to the AETA (Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act) and then they like to say they are being singled out.  Perhaps they should not bomb, burn, torch/arson, beat up people, or steal people's animals?  Perhaps they should not use computers for stalking, hacking, or black out business fax lines?  Perhaps they should not sabotage a business, period, simply because they don't like the business?

AR activists are not animal welfarists. AR activists are simply emotional hotheads without a background knowledge of what the real world is about; they are often ignorant of how many shelters simply end up killing animals because they don't put stock into social welfare to stem the tide of excess animals that people do not want or need. The simple truth is you do not go to rich areas and find high shelter killing. You may find kids on drugs but you don't have tons of strays in the street, so it is obvious that excess or throw away animals being killed in Los Angeles is a KNOWN social welfare issue.  It is NOT breeders with small mini mutts or designer dogs.

 Don't be fooled by the propaganda--- most shelter animals killed are male juvenile mixed breed dogs of unknown origin, often lacking in behavioral training, and FERAL cats. In fact some shelters have stopped taking in cats in order to LOWER their KILL RATE?!!   That is the truth and this truth is NEVER told to law students, but should be. There are some other types of animals there, such as family got divorced, and their pet was given up, or family lost home and when family tried to rehome dog on Craigslist, the AR activists flagged their ad so they could not rehome it. But these family type dogs with socialization and some behavior training are not the most represented group. Not by a long stretch.

Other animals, especially dogs, are given up when owners don't know how to train the animal, and when kids don't want the animal anymore.  Thus the parents have a lot to do with acquiring the animal, and then giving it up?
One cannot change that without using social welfare outreach. That is not AR activism, it is animal welfare if you are trying to lessen killing in shelters.  Shelter animals CANNOT ever replace store bought or purposely bred dogs from breeders because the marketplace is driven by supply and demand, and when people want to BUY a certain size, breed, color, temperament or skill type (herding, hunting, guarding,etc) they have the right to choose.

The owners should not be FORCED to choose only dogs from shelters that they know nothing about its background, temperament, or behavior, or health.  Buying animals from stores is regulated heavily and the laws that go with such buying protect the consumer. People in AR activism IGNORE the legal part of consumer protection and instead, focus on "videos" and witch hunts which they claim are bad people who create harm to animals.  We all know there are bad apples in every group, but that does make EVERY ONE OF THEM bad??  Of course not. In fact the word "puppymill" [PM] is simply AR activist slang for kenneling that is not up to par, or substandard. There is NO legally defined term for PMs, and don't let activists fool you. Commercial kennels are actually legal and governed by Federal Regulations--although the AR activists don't like it, because they want MORE, MORE+MORE regulations.

Working in the legal field requires logical thinking and if only emotion is used to determine laws, then you can see why these laws are all bunk-- there is no legal thinking involved, JUST emotion.  The law is not even considered, case law is ignored, and people go on their merry way. How else does case law develop, UNLESS we challenge wrongful laws?  That right there ought to make students and paralegal realize why their jobs are so important. If we don't inform the public they get fleeced by those who would simply take the public's $$$ and then end up actually pushing for the killing of animals--quickly.  But they won't tell you that.  We just did.