Research Studies done on Caged v No Caged Hens
cc=conventional cage ec=enriched colony av=cage-free aviary
"The manure scraper had low levels of Campylobacter spp. recovery in all systems, but AV drag swabs and EC scratch pad swabs had high levels of Campylobacter spp. recovery.
AV floor shells had the greatest levels of total aerobes and coliforms. Aerobic organisms were also elevated on AV nest box and system shells. Previous studies indicate total aerobe levels are greater on eggs produced in high dust environments.
Eggs laid on litter (in AV only) have greater shell microbial levels than eggs laid on system wires or in nest boxes.
Coliforms are indicators of fecal contamination which is linked to many human pathogens.
In the EC system wire egg shell coliform levels were detected at levels similar to CC. The coliform level in AV nest box egg shells was similar to the EC. The coliform levels were low for all shell samples, excluding the AV (cageless) floor shells, which had the highest levels of total coliforms.
In other words, the AV (cage free) eggs had the highest level of pathogens overall.
And this is what HSUS wants people to have, so they can be more likely to get sick and then stop eating the eggs. Are you beginning to catch on to what is really going on? In other words, the animals are way more important than the people who raise the hens or the consumers.
HSUS, PETA and the rest, exist simply to stop people from eating any food from animals, using any animal products at all, watching animals perform in training and movies, the military, the police, service dogs, guard dogs, whatever; to stop the sales/ownership or trading of animals, even livestock. Because in the AR mindset, ANIMALS are actually far better or superior to people, so people really do not count.
If you had not noticed by now, the entire California Penal Code on "animal abuse" is basically patterned after the Welfare and Institutions code. So in other words, groups like HSUS and various AR attorneys simply want animals to be treated as if they were children, with all of the laws that apply to kids, but to apply them to animals. Words such as guardianship, losing custody of animal, obtaining a restraining order with no contact of animal, obtaining a "pet trust" or appointing an "executor" for a pet; appointing a "guardian" for an animal to act as its attorney, attempting to claim that the US Constitution applies to Orca whales (the Constitution only applies to humans) --and Peta actually filed the Federal case in san Diego, taking 2 years of prep time to get it ready!!! Of course it was shut down by the Court.
One of the reasons why many paralegals would not be good for an animal attorney that represent an owner, seller, buyer or other animal related issue, is because they are brainwashed into believing everything HSUS says? We have very few law students or paralegals that really understand the TRUTH.
They are so propagandized by media, huff post, examiner. com and countless AR influenced sites, that they simply do not understand the truth by any stretch. Most law students tend to be AR leaning because they have been brought up to think that animals are always abused. The truth is that animal abuse is not near as rampant as ARs would have one think, which is why many attorneys have no clue about the penal code and animal "abuse." Negligence, however, is whatever the Animal control SAYS it is, because you can take something legal, and by claiming subjectively something else, it becomes "abuse."
For example, there is no LAW that says a child or a senior adult must live in a residence, or that such residence even have an air conditioner? Many houses don't have air conditioners.
Yet the HSUS, when they write up specifications for any type of kennel formation, they always want the ambient air to be temperature X to Y and not higher than 80 degrees for example.
Then, in the book (manual) on how to KILL almost any type of animal, HSUS says that music and a cheerful room will help people kill the animals more easily without becoming depressed? And that killing is a team effort. Oh sure they don't call it "killing" but the entire book is on how to kill any type of animal. The way that HSUS thinks it should be done. Why is HSUS an authority on killing animals? Truthfully, they are not experts. They like to say they hire them, but not every expert has the same opinion. HSUS is a money making enterprise, doesn't matter that it is a non profit. ACORN was a non profit. Any group that markets, takes donations, but then does not tell the truth and misrepresents things, is not a group that should make laws for other people in our opinion. Whether related to animals or not.
By doing some research, one will find that AR groups only push things they can profit from. For example, an AR group wants to take advantage of a seizure of animals for (1) free publicity (2) free air time and print, and time to pitch the emotional drivel (3) free interviews (4) many minutes to make the pitch for $$$$$ donate, donate, donate (5) opportunities to then brainwash the children of the people that respond as well (6) obtaining your personal email (7) using new members to gain incentives from credit card companies (8) Testing out new advertising on younger and younger kids (9) Trying to convince young people that the "exceptions" in life are in fact the norm, when they are not (10) Using hypocrisy and misrepresentation galore, such as hiring a convicted dog fighter, dog torturer Michael Vick-- and then pimping him off on poor kids in poor neighborhoods to make themselves (HSUS) look good-- but we saw through that in 1 second, whereas many people thought it was "great?"
Remember that via propaganda, Hitler was able to convince enough people that killing all of the Jews was a necessity. Now if HSUS told you that all animals should be killed rather than let people buy them, would you fall for it? You just might if you didn't actually understand the law they wrote. When a law is written on purpose, and no one tries to stop it, it can be illegal as hell, as long as they pass it. If no one votes it down, if the legislature passes it, it is the LAW.
HSUS badly written laws out of California have been struck down by courts. But they (HSUS) won't tell you that. Instead they will word an article such that you won't even realize their law was struck down. Trust us, we have seen it plenty of times.
For example, U.S. v Stevens, a first amendment case where HSUS law was not only used inappropriately, it was completely unconstitutional as written and as applied. Yet to read HSUS' version, they never admit it was unconstitutional and instead bragged that the new version was easily passed. YEAH-- after being struck down like 10million pounds by the United States Supreme Court. We don't believe that the SCOTUS even likes HSUS. After all, they hire former PETA, ALF or ELF or whatever criminals they can get.
Here is more on chickens:
But the science around the health of cage-free birds is less clear.Janice Swanson, an animal scientist at Michigan State University, has been leading a three-year study of egg production techniques.
She says cage-free birds have more feathers and stronger bones and exhibit more natural behaviors. But crowded aviaries also come with risks: reduced air quality, and twice the likelihood of dying. Over the course of their three-year study, less than 5 percent of birds in cages died, compared with more than 11 percent of cage-free birds. One of the most common causes of death was pecking by other chickens.
No Hormones
What You Might Think It Means: These birds were spared injections of nasty hormones that might cause them to sprout hair in unusual places and render them unhealthful for us to eat.
What It Actually Means: This term is rather misleading, because it's illegal to give hormones to poultry, and no large-scale farms in the U.S. do so. It's like putting a label on a cereal box that says, "No toxic waste."
The bottom line is that if every single egg was from chickens that just ran around outside and ate bugs, the birds would not probably get complete nutrients, the eggs could be laid anywhere (unless they were trained to lay in nest inside) and cleaning eggs which are not done in a production method is more difficult as they would be hand gathered, taking a huge amount of employee time. And if you have looked at most eggs labeled from free range, they can show blemishes on the outside and not all consumers like to buy eggs that have any kind of marks on the shells. For that matter, most people just buy eggs from the store and don't think about whether it's pathogen free. Having raised chickens, one cannot tell just by looking at an egg as to whether or not it may have a very small break in the shell. A chicken that is free range outside can encounter numerous rodent droppings, or many types of dangerous pathogens that can lead to the chicken becoming ill.
Chicken illness for caged chickens is more easily handled because there is more control over the environment. Actual free range (let's pretend 3 acres, no aviary netting) with some grass, weeds and whatever is in the ground before the grass got there. Wild ducks it is believed, have flown over areas which then resulted in avian pathogens which have killed millions of birds; once a flock is infected, usually the entire group has to be killed. Example:
Biological Hazard in USA on Thursday, 08 January, 2015 at 04:29 (04:29 AM) UTC.
A wild duck in Butte County in northern California has tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza, adding to a string of unprecedented West Coast bird flu cases. The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Wednesday confirmed that a hunter-shot duck in Butte County was infected with highly pathogenic H5N8. The USDA detected the virus Dec. 31, but didn’t make an announcement until Wednesday.
The wild duck was found as part of the USDA’s increased surveillance on the West Coast and increased outreach to backyard poultry enthusiasts, according to the USDA. Highly pathogenic bird flu had never been detected in California, Oregon and Washington until the past month. Low pathogenic bird flu was found last spring on a quail farm in Stanislaus County in central California.
China still restricts all poultry and poultry products from birds slaughtered, processed and shipped from California. Unlike British Columbia, Canada, where some 245,600 birds were culled at 11 poultry farms between Dec. 1-17, highly pathogenic bird flu has not been found in U.S. commercial poultry. [But see next date of late Jan 2015, where H5N8 avian influenza discovered in commercial turkey flock]
The virus in wild birds and backyard flocks in Washington and Oregon has still meant export restrictions for the U.S. poultry industry. “It’s possible every additional finding prolongs the situation,” USA Poultry and Egg Export Council President Jim Sumner said Wednesday. Some countries, such as South Korea and South Africa, have imposed bans on all U.S. poultry. The USDA says those bans are unwarranted.
Many countries have limited their bans to poultry and poultry products from Washington and Oregon. Federal and state officials Tuesday euthanized approximately 500 birds in a backyard flock in Benton County in south-central Washington. The flock had been exposed to highly pathogenic H5N2 bird flu by domestic ducks moved from another flock 9 miles away. The 140 ducks, chickens and turkeys in that flock were euthanized Monday, according to the Washington Department of Agriculture. Also in Whatcom County, Wash., a wild duck and a captive gyrfalcon fed wild duck were infected with highly pathogenic bird flu in December. Also that month, highly pathogenic bird flu broke out among a 100-bird flock of guinea fowl and chickens in Douglas County, Ore. Officials suspect migratory waterfowl along the Pacific Flyway are carrying the disease. Highly pathogenic bird flu cases also have been reported in Asia and Europe within the past two months. No human cases of the viruses have been reported, according to the USDA.
Biological Hazard in USA on Saturday, 24 January, 2015 at 18:28 (06:28 PM) UTC.
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic (HPAI) H5N8 avian influenza in a commercial turkey flock in Stanislaus County, California. This is the first finding of HPAI in commercial poultry during the ongoing disease incident in the Pacific Flyway.
No human cases of these avian influenza viruses have been detected in the United States, Canada, or internationally, and there continues to be no public health concern. Samples from the flock, which experienced increased mortality, were tested at the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System (CAHFS) and the APHIS National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa confirmed the finding. APHIS is partnering closely with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), which has quarantined the facility.
APHIS and CDFA have initiated an incident command response, and APHIS will assist CDFA in depopulating the remaining birds on the property to prevent the spread of the disease.* Birds from the involved flock will not enter the food system. H5N8 has not been shown to present a health risk to the public. As a reminder, the proper handling and cooking of poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165 °F kills bacteria and viruses.
* Nice way of saying--- killing them all.
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